James Damore: Google Leftists 'Dig Through a Private Conservative Mailing List' to Get People Fired

James Damore Google software engineer
James Damore, right, a former Google engineer fired in 2017 after writing a memo about the biological differences between men and women, speaks at a news conference while his attorney, Harmeet Dhillon, listens, Monday, Jan. 8, 2018, in San Francisco. (AP Photo/Michael Liedtke)

OXON HILL, M.D. — Former Google senior software engineer James Damore told PJ Media that Leftist staff at Google are "trying to dig through" a private mailing list for conservatives at the Silicon Valley company, attempting to get them fired.

"There are some networks [of conservatives], they're not well-known," Damore said in an interview Friday. "There's a private mailing list at Google, but many employees want to dig through that -- it's a conservative mailing list."

Why do employees "want to dig through it"? So they can get conservatives fired. "They want to dig through that to find anything that might kind of go against the code of conduct and try to get those people fired," Damore said.

"It's really dangerous to try to coordinate actions" if you are a conservative at the Silicon Valley giant, he explained.

Last August, Google fired Damore after the former software engineer released a memo attacking the company as an "ideological echo chamber." His memo revealed a bias against conservative ideas at the company, and suggested that there might be biological reasons for the gender gap in tech companies.

Perhaps ironically, after his memo, women at Google took a day off.

Damore filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), but the agency did not act very quickly on it. "Normally, the NLRB lasts just a couple weeks, it's supposed to be expedited," Damore told PJ Media Friday. "It's supposed to be expedited, but this was taking months."

After a time, he dropped the NLRB complaint and filed a class-action lawsuit against Google instead. He is suing for discrimination against men, white people, and conservatives at the company. "Our civil lawsuit was really the most important thing," he explained. The NLRB complaint had become "really more of a distraction."

Ironically, the NLRB did actually weigh in on the case, anyway. Last month, an NLRB lawyer sent a memo accusing Damore of "sexual harassment" for his comments in the memo last August. Damore's lawyer — and an independent employment lawyer in the area — laughed at the idea, suggesting that the NLRB lawyer meant to say "gender discrimination."

A new Lincoln Network survey last month revealed that employees at tech companies in Silicon Valley censor their political ideas on the job, and conservatives said they felt less comfortable expressing their views on the job after Damore was fired.

Most Silicon Valley employees in the survey — from companies such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft — said they were "hesitant" to "truly bring their whole selves to work." A full 89 percent of very conservative workers and 74 percent of conservative employees said so.

“Some of my colleagues will openly mock conservatives, assuming that everyone within earshot is liberal. Multiple times I’ve had to sit through cruel mockery of my home state while others nodded and laughed along," one conservative explained. Another recalled, “After the election, the head of a department made multiple insinuations we should fire employees who voted for Trump."

In this environment, is it any surprise employees at Google would go through a private mailing list to find an excuse to get conservatives fired?